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Édéas Messier and Marie Marguerite Granger Family

The Messier family is established in the region of Stanbridge-Station since six generations.  Indeed, registers  indicate that Edouard Messier married Delphine Juaire on January 11th, 1853 in  Notre-Dame de Stanbridge.  Of this marriage is born, among others, a boy named Jean-Baptiste, who got married to Octavie Benoit on September 10th, 1881, in St-Armand, daughter of Jean-Baptiste Benoit and Marie Jetté.


On March 1st, 1891, they adopted two boys : Aldéi Racine, born on February 3rd, 1891 and his brother Hormidas (Armidas) Racine, born on December 14th, 1889.  After trying to conceive for several years, Octavie gave birth to Édéas on May 5th, 1894 in St. Armand West.

They took up residence on a farm in St-Armand, that they have sold a few years later, to settle down on another farm, in Fall River, Mass.  In 1908, they came back in Stanbridge-Station, on the farm which was transmitted from father to son afterwards.  After commercial studies to the « Collège de Farnham », Édéas took over the farm in 1915.

Left photo : Édouard Messier and Delphine Juaire, grandparents of Édéas.


Right photo: Jean-Baptiste Messier and Octavie Benoit. The children are, from left to right,

Edeas Messier and two adopted children: Hormidas / Armidas and Aldei Racine.
Photo taken on September 19th, 1898

On January 22nd, 1918, Édéas married, in Notre-Dame de Stanbridge, Marie Marguerite Granger, daughter of Joseph and Victoria Roy, born on July 1st, 1896.  Of this union were born 6 children :


- Adrien

      born on October 15th, 1918,

          married as a first marriage to Adrienne Racine (died on July 19th, 1948), 1 child,

          and in second wedding to Noëlla Noël (died on November 11th, 1979), 6 children,

          when she got married, Noëlla had a child born from her previous union with Doris Létourneau,

     died on March 10th, 1999,

     17 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild,


- Lucien

      born on October 29th, 1919,

        married to Rhéa Forgues (died on February 20th, 1993),

      died on January 17th, 2011,

      7 children, 21 grandchildren, 31 great-grandchildren,


- Rolland

       born on November 24th, 1920,

          married to Ghislaine Forgues (died on July 11, 2015),

      died on June 17, 2019,

        7 children, 11 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren,


- a boy

      born and dead on October 26th, 1921,


- Cécile

       born on May 20th, 1923,

           married to Albert Melaven,

       died on May 11th, 2010,

       7 children, 16 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren,


- Marie Rita

       born on June 22nd, 1925,

           married to Paul-Abel Rhéaume (died on February 28th, 2002),

       died on February 3rd, 1972,

       10 children, 15 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren.


As several women of her time, Marie Marguerite passed away after complications arose during her last childbirth on June 27th, 1925.  Besides, to take care his farm, Édéas worked on contract on surrounding farms as to make plowings, pressing or threshing.  He worked many years on an upright hay baler and sixteen years on a hay baler in a prone position.


Involved in his community, Édéas was a local councillor, then a secretary and treasurer for the municipality for 25 years, school commissionner, director of « La Société d’agriculture » and director of « La Laiterie Saint-Antoine (from 1939 to 1956).


During Fall 1945, pouring rains beat down on the region.  It seems that the only way of getting back the corn from the fields will be to cut it by hand.  Édéas appeals to the German prisoners of the Camp of Farnham to help him.  Thus, for several weeks, 12 German prisoners found themselves on the farm to participate in the harvest.  Four of them will spend all winter in Stanbridge-Station to assist Édéas and his family with their duties.


Édéas was the only owner of his farm until his death, which came too early, on March 25th, 1956.


Réjean Messier (12)


Family home built in Stanbridge-Station between 1914 and 1917







St. Denis le Thiboult

Normandie, France

02 Jehan Le Messier

Cardine Acoulons

Perrier sur Andelle ?

Normandie, France

around 1603

01 Jehan Le Messier


St. Denis le Thiboult ?

Normandie, France

around 1639

00 David Le Messier

Marguerite Barc


February 25, 1658

01 Michel Messier

     Sieur of St. Michel

     (around 1640-1725)

Anne LeMoyne

Pierre & Judith Duchesne



February 10, 1706

02 François-Michel Messier

     Seigneur of Cap St. Michel


Marie-Anne Amyot dit Villeneuve

Jean-Baptiste & Geneviève Guyon



January 22, 1731

03 François-Michel Messier


Marie-Josephte Guyon

Ignace & Louise Guillet

Catherine Marie Deslandes

dit Champigny

Joseph & M. Catherine Jared

St. Antoine

January 22, 1759

04 François-Michel Messier


Anne Marie Bousquet

Ignace & Marie Gadbois


St. Denis

August 8, 1785

05 Louis Messier


Geneviève Veilleux (Veuilleux)

François & Geneviève Lacombe

St. Charles

January 9, 1821

06 Louis Messier


Delphine Juaire (Rivière)

Jean-Baptiste & Archange Marguerite Sénécal


January 11, 1853

07 Édouard Messier

     (1829-    )

Octavie Benoit

Jean-Baptiste & Marie Jetté

St. Armand West

September 10, 1888

08 Jean-Baptiste Messier


Marie Marguerite Granger

Joseph & Victoria Roy


January 22, 1918

09 Édéas Messier


Last update: July 20, 2024

© 2014, Association des Familles Messier, site créé par Réal et Réjean Messier à l'aide de 

© 2014, Association des Familles Messier, Website created by Réal and Réjean Messier with

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